Thursday 17 June 2021

Giant Panda - Information .

The Giant panda 

Giant Panda 

The Giant panda is the Member of Bear family . Giant panda has Variety of Names - Panda bears , Spotted giant bear etc . Giant panda is Native to China . The Scientific name of Giant pandas is - Aliuropoda Melanoleuca .

There are Very Few Predators of Giant panda Eagle , Yellow Throated Martine , Snow Leopard , Feral Dogs . The Male Panda is 20% heavier than Female .

The Female panda can Weight can reach up to : 60 - 120 Kg  . Male Weight : 125 - 160 Kg . Height of female panda : 2.5 Feet and male Height : 2 - 3 Feet .

The Giant panda has Adapted a Unique Habitat of they can live in Wet and Cold Climate areas . They Lives in Bamboo Forest . they are Founds in China , Bhutan , Nepal and in India . In China giant pandas are founds in Mountain ranges of South center China in Sichuan , Shaanxi etc . and in India the Giant Pandas are Founds in Three states West Bengal ( Darjeeling ) , Arunachal Pradesh and Sikkim .

They are coated with Thick Black - white Fur Which Keeps them Warm . They panda has Strong jaws , strong teeth and Long and thin Wrist to Eats and Plug the Bamboo .

The new Born baby of Giant panda is : 100g weight . The Pandas are  under Undangerd Species .the Total population of Giant panda is 2,000 to 3,000 . the Major population of Giant pandas are in China . In china the population of pandas 
are - 1864 .

In 1980 the population of Giant Panda is 1,114 . but in Todays date the population of Giant panda is Increasing . The Giant  pandas Skins , pelts are Valuable in Black Market so the Population is Low .

The pandas are entire depends upon Bamboos .  The giant pandas are Herbivores animals . The a day the Giant pandas Eats 10 - 38 Kg in Diet . The Giant panda consumes 99% of  Bamboos in Diet .

The Average Lifespan of Giant Panda is - 20 Year . The giant panda Sleeps 10 Hours in a Day . The Special Characteristic of Giant Panda is white -Black Spot on Skin . The Pandas is Best - Known species in World .

The  Giant Pandas has so many Fans in World because they look Cute and Cuddly , they have Large front Facing Eyes , They are Extreme Furry .

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